Kiss me, I'm Irysh!

Original Poster: I love the name Ireland, for a very long time. I need a MN for "her", any suggestions? I don't want a "filler" MN or one that's used a lot, but still normal. Thanks!

Now, for those of you who might not be able to guess, Ireland is one of those Names of Shame around here. Brooklyn was dumb enough, but at least Brooke and Lynn are names. Ireland? Only if you want a real live leprechaun to kick your ass. Irelynn? Not a chance. A lot of people say they want to use this "name" to "honor their Irish roots." I think that if you're Irish enough to be honoring your Irishness, you probably know that no Irish person would name a kid Ireland, nor would it really be patriotic to use this particular Anglicized form of "Eire" anyway.

I've detailed my feelings about Irysh-philia briefly in the past, but I figure a refresher wouldn't hurt.

The Bad Baby Names Blog Primer on Irish Naming:

1. There are thousands of beautiful Irish names out there. None of them begin with K. Those are Anglicizations. None of them begin with Mc, either. Those are Scottish. If you feel like that's all the same, perhaps you shouldn't be considering an Irish name.

2. Irish Gaelic uses a different set of phonics than English, even if it does use the Roman alphabet. Thus Ciara is "key-ruh," not "sierra"; Siobhan is "she-vahn," not "see-oh-bahn"; and Saoirse is "seersha," not "ooh!-it-means-"freedom!"-that-can't-have-any-political-connotations-it's-perfect-for-my-little-American-girl!!!"

3. An Irish name will not make you Irish. Or even half-Irish. If you are 1/64th Irish and want to use an Irish name to "honor your Irishness," 63/64ths of you are telling me you are really really not Irish. Maybe you should quit while you're ahead.

4. Ireland's number one export, believe it or not, is not: shamrocks; mystic Celts; enchanted little men; Celtic knot tattoos; "faeries"; the Middle Ages; alcohol. It's actually machinery. Sorry to disappoint, Little Miss Pregnant Renfaire.

Now that that's out of the way, let's go on to the suggestions:

Ireland Abigail
Ireland Matilda
Ireland Lorraine
Ireland Eleanor

Hm, these aren't so bad. Maybe I was worried for nothing.


Ireland Bailey (mm, Bailey's Irish Creme!)
Ireland Mackenzie (mm, Scottish!)
Ireland Teague (boys name - demonstrates a clear understanding of Irishness, doesn't it!)
Ireland Faith (but is it Catholicism? Or Church of England??)
Ireland Peace (if only!)