If you are a regular reader, you know I truly try to live green and make good chemical free decisions whenever possible. However, management of my reusable bags is one area where I struggle.
Sadly, I am a spur of the moment kind of girl that is often wagging one baby on the hip, one in the belly and pulling another along behind in protest for one reason or another. For that reason, when the lady at the checkout counter pops out the question, "Paper or plastic" I'm often left with my environmental underwear hanging out. I have a bad habit of neglecting to pack my sturdy reusable fabric bags that I vowed to use as my small part in saving trees. My mantra is "Today a tree. Tomorrow the world".
But all too often I'm left standing in the checkout line at the discount store resisting the urge to yell NEITHER at the lady who in my mind should be pushing reusable bags instead of environmentally un-friendly options. In a weak moment with an unhappy toddler and a sleeping baby I little choice but to meekly murmur that I'd like paper as paper sacks are the least offensive of the options offered. Plus, I can always reuse the paper bags for different purposes at home that will keep them out of the landfill.
Alas, going green is a process just like weight control. You can't give up just because you have one unfortunate slip. It helps me to remember that as unorganized and overwhelmed as I am most days that I still remember to pack my homemade shopping bags made of sturdy organic cotton and reclaimed burlap.
Return to Oooh Baby! Parenting and Environmental Issues to read more of my trials and travails in my efforts to go green for the sake of my family and kids as well as the planet.