Names of the Week

What do you want to bet that Wiggles' siblings got to choose the name this time? At least it wasn't Blue's Clues.

Leaf Ava. I'm not even sure how I feel about this. Refreshing botanical? or strangely Viking?

I am willing to bet that Paris Nicole's parents watched way too much TV. Or at least way too much "Simple Life."

Tylinn Alyssa Shae. Does anyone else hear "Tylenol Issa Shae?" Is that the level after "extra strength?"

"Yarrh, we should have caught the monster, t'were it left to our Sailor Grace - but the white whale got away!!"

Have a nice day! Have a great month! Have a De'Avazhae Lyfe!

Remember little Cutter? His best friend was just born: Shonto Stabber!

Howdy, Cody!