You know how it's sometimes hard to know how to pronounce crazy names these days? What does that phoneme sound like? Where to place the emphasis? Is Nevaeh "nuh-VAY-uh" or "Nehv-AY?" Is Maliki "mah-lih-KAI" or "mah-LEEK-ee?" What does Pxwpexwsshn sound like, anyway? Well, confused readers, fear no more! Some parents have decided to include the pronuciation guide in the name! I give you: E-li'-sha Hez-e-ki'-ah-Abram.
Emphasis marks are indeed correct. But I think this is officially the most punctuation I have ever seen in a name. Ever. Shalonda-Na Don-Eka Lynn and KendráKashun LaVaryéé do not hold a candle to this one.
There are plenty of tacky names out there. I see them all the time. But I think this one wins Tackiest 2006: Cashmir Mone'y. I like the apostrophe in Money. It really lends some class. Well done, Mom and Dad! (Apparently I missed Tackiest '05: Million'z A'Dolla'z. Seriously. Google it.)
(Notice: Cashmir has a mother named Shelia and a sister named - that's right - She'lia.)
Here's a good one: Messiah Dee'Aira Nicole. I'm sorry... but doesn't that look like Messiah Diarrhea Nicole? The eschatological and the scatalogical meet in one terrifying name.
P.S. That's Amoura'e!